Dr Julia Fisher


Background - History - Education

Who I Am?

I am an editor with 35 years experience helping writers and speakers to craft their communications. Specializing in psycholinguistics, I use that experience to address the mechanics of word choice, sentence and paragraph construction, and their impact within the overall structure, to assure that authors successfully convey their message.

I first earned B.A. degrees in both French and Russian language from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. I then spent almost 15 years with French and American machine parts manufacturers and engineering firms supporting sales and developing advertising, newsletters, and procedure manuals for both external and internal distribution. After earning my M.A. in Linguistics and my Ph.D. in Cognitive Linguistics – both from the University of Colorado – Boulder, I entered academia as a professor and researcher, teaching at the University of Colorado – Denver while completing a post-doctoral research fellowship under a National Science Foundation grant. I moved to Belmont, MA for a position at Boston College and ultimately to Hartsville, SC, earning tenure and the rank of Full Professor, successfully publishing numerous articles in scholarly journals, and regularly presenting research at domestic and international workshops and conferences. By making tone and register explicit, my work focuses on how our language shapes our deep level thought and how to capitalize on this to assure clarity and successful communication – no matter what your medium.

In my spare time, I participate in 25 and 50-mile endurance competitions on my Arabian mare Ella, throughout the southeastern U.S. I am an avid traveler having completed several lengthy treks on horseback in Mongolia and France.

Professional Interests & Services

The focus of this site comprises three main components for my professional activities


Agnotology is the study of ignorance. While the discipline is relatively new as an area of research, it is intriguing, absolutely intellectually engaging, and potentially critical to the advancement of knowledge. The discipline can be conceptualized as three definitive types of ignorance or avenues for research:

  • innocent
  • selective
  • manufactured

Psycholinguistics is the study of the cognitive aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain. A branch of both linguistics and psychology, psycholinguistics is part of the field of cognitive science. Etymology: From the Greek, "mind" + the Latin, "tongue"


I have education, training, and experience with careful crafting of persuasive and expository text. This has included developing marketing materials and newsletter content, scholarly writing and academic peer review, and 20 years directing student research in the Social Sciences. You may be writing for an Op-Ed article, a book, research article or any number of other materials for publication. I can help with that.

English language editing, writing and research assistance, grant and application editing, and developmental editing and consulting.

Latest Posts

Check out our commentary on Agnotology: the study of ignorance.

"I have never met anyone as extraordinary as you are. I have never had a mentor, coach, professor, teacher, etc. push me the way you do...You pushed me and I learned quickly that if I wanted anything out of this life, I needed to work very very hard. Not only did you push me, but you showed me I was capable of being great...Thank you for the time put in, the effort, and the work you do. Dr. Fisher, you have opened my eyes to a world that I never thought I would explore." - BH
Dr. Fisher, you pushed me to be great and helped me realize that so long as I am always open to learning, I can do great things. You did what I wish every professor did; you taught not only subject matter, but also taught how to use that education to be successful in life. It took someone great to help me see just how big the world is and just how many great opportunities there are." - RB
"Language plays a big part in our daily lives. I never really thought of language as being more than just words, but now I know that it's a vital part of our lives. I listen to my baby try to make sounds and I associate that with the material that we have covered. I smile at the very thought that my baby is doing something wonderful that will be a vital in his life." - JN